Why is VPAT Testing Vital For Your Company?
What is VPAT testing?
VPAT testing is the assessment of the accessibility of an information and communication technology (ICT) product or service to determine the extent to which it complies with the accessibility standards and guidelines as outlined in the relevant edition of the voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT).
It is a critical component of VPAT accessibility because it helps determine the degree of conformity an ICT product or service has to the specified accessible requirements.
What is VPAT accessibility?
VPAT accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of using a VPAT to guarantee that there are no obstacles preventing people with disabilities from interacting with and taking full advantage of electronic and information technology (EIT) products or services.
VPAT accessibility begins with understanding the market for which you intend to make your EIT products and services available for public procurement. This enables you to identify the correct VPAT edition to use during the rest of the VPAT certification process.
After understanding the market you want to supply your EIT products and services to and choosing the correct VPAT edition to use in creating your VPAT report, you’ll need to place the utmost attention on your VPAT testing because that is what generates the data and information you need to complete your VPAT report.
It is recommended that you enlist the services of an agency providing expert VPAT compliance services to help you with your VPAT testing because getting it wrong at this stage will compromise the quality and validity of your product or service and lead to irreparable damage to your company’s image.
Why you should make VPAT testing a vital part of your company’s routines
VPAT testing helps you review and record the accessibility features associated with your products or services. The data and information generated during the testing are vital to the appropriate completion of the accessibility conformance report (ACR) for the assessed product or service.
AccurateACRs support buyers and the procurement community to understand the extent of your product or service's compliance with the established accessibility standards. Besides helping buyers and the procurement community understand the accessibility features associated with your product or service, VPAT testing delivers direct benefits to your company. These include the following:
- Providing key insights to help you improve your product or service.
During the VPAT testing process, your company can gain invaluable insights. With expert VPAT compliance testing services, you’ll be able to detect the aspects of your products or services that need to be improved to make them more accessible to all users.
VPAT testing can, therefore, support your company's ongoing efforts to advance the quality of its products and services. This, in turn, benefits the company's earnings and revenue.
- Helping your buyers make informed decisions.
When you invest in quality VPAT testing, you help your customers, mainly those in the public sector, better comprehend the accessibility features of your products or services.
Quality VPAT testing begets quality product and service accessibility data, which, when appropriately filled out in the ACR of the relevant product or service, hastens buyers’ ability to make informed purchase decisions.
High-quality VPAT ACRs, which are generated using data and information obtained through expert-driven VPAT tests, are highly valued by many prospective buyers of ICT products and services because they enable them to make quick accessibility comparisons between similar products or services.
Expert VPAT compliance testing will systematically guide the assessment of your product or service by responding to the questions in the relevant VPAT template in a clear and concise manner.
ACRs generated using quality VPAT testing data significantly help customers determine whether or not your products or services are the best fit for their needs. They, therefore, demonstrate your company’s customer focus.
VPAT testing also enables your company to contribute toward leveling the playing field in the ICT sector for all businesses. This is because the testing, especially that which involves expert VPAT compliance testing professionals like ADACP, helps to raise the accessibility bar for products and services and helps consumers access good-quality products and services that are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
- Enhanced prospects for winning bids
VPAT testing increases your company’s chances of winning bids to supply ICT products and services to various public sector entities, like federal organizations.
Every company seeks to broaden its chances of winning procurement bids and closing contracts to supply their products and services. Companies that espouse expert VPAT compliance testing always have an upper hand in procurement processes because, during the VPAT testing for their products and services, the experts who help them in the assessment help them with strategies to use in eliminating the identified accessibility obstacles. Investing in VPAT testing will uniquely position your company for business with most large corporations and government agencies.
VPAT testing also distinguishes your company from its competitors that might not be performing VPAT assessments. While it may require additional resources, including time, on the part of your company, it will help your buyers quickly comprehend the accessibility characteristics of your product or service. This benefits you because it removes potential delays or barriers in the procurement procedures necessary to purchase your products or services.
- Elevated company credibility and reputation
More and more customers want to do business with companies that are dependable and trustworthy. When you dedicate VPAT testing to your products and services and hire expert VPAT compliance testing agencies, your company's credibility and reputation in the procurement arena will improve.This will result in more business opportunities for your company in the long run.
- Conformance with the law
Your company will do well when it doesn't use up its valuable time in court fighting off accessibility lawsuits. Quality VPAT testing and completion of the VPAT ACR will ward off the numerous people and organizations that are busy investigating the accessibility of ICT products and services for purposes of instituting legal action against companies that do not adhere to the specified accessibility requirements.
When your company normalizes carrying out credible VPAT tests that provide you the data to use in creating good ACRs, you can stay free from the unnecessary accessibility lawsuits and the large fines that are associated with them.
- Customized compliance services
VPAT testing assists your company in identifying aspects of its operations that require specialized assistance geared toward improving the accessibility of its products and services. It enables your company to isolate the issues you want an accessibility expert to help you deal with, rather than having the expert go through a whole flaw discovery process before prescribing remedies to deal with the identified obstacles to accessibility.
VPAT testing will, therefore, save your business the valuable time and resources it could have otherwise spent if it was not done to flag out the accessibility challenges underlying your products or services.
Go for expert VPAT compliance testing
The accessibility regulations in various business domains are rapidly evolving and becoming tighter. You may not have the time to keep track of the developments because you have to concentrate on your company’s core business and ensure that you stay afloat in this ever-competitive business world.
As you focus on your core business, you can leave the issues about the VPAT compliance of your products or services to an expert in the accessibility domain. Choosing ADACP as the source of your expert VPAT compliance testing agency will not only benefit your company with the agency’s extensive and objective VPAT testing services, but also help you to develop accurate and ready-to-submit VPAT ACRs that easily navigate your clients' expectations.
For all your VPAT testing needs, shoot us a convenient time at (626) 486-2201 or by filling out a simple contact form, and we’ll get a consult on the books to assist you throughout the VPAT certification process. We’ll provide you with free consultations!
What is VPAT testing?
VPAT testing is the assessment of the accessibility of an information and communication technology (ICT) product or service to determine the extent to which it complies with the accessibility standards and guidelines as outlined in the relevant edition of the voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT).
It is a critical component of VPAT accessibility because it helps determine the degree of conformity an ICT product or service has to the specified accessible requirements.
What is VPAT accessibility?
VPAT accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of using a VPAT to guarantee that there are no obstacles preventing people with disabilities from interacting with and taking full advantage of electronic and information technology (EIT) products or services.
VPAT accessibility begins with understanding the market for which you intend to make your EIT products and services available for public procurement. This enables you to identify the correct VPAT edition to use during the rest of the VPAT certification process.
After understanding the market you want to supply your EIT products and services to and choosing the correct VPAT edition to use in creating your VPAT report, you’ll need to place the utmost attention on your VPAT testing because that is what generates the data and information you need to complete your VPAT report.
It is recommended that you enlist the services of an agency providing expert VPAT compliance services to help you with your VPAT testing because getting it wrong at this stage will compromise the quality and validity of your product or service and lead to irreparable damage to your company’s image.
Why you should make VPAT testing a vital part of your company’s routines
VPAT testing helps you review and record the accessibility features associated with your products or services. The data and information generated during the testing are vital to the appropriate completion of the accessibility conformance report (ACR) for the assessed product or service.
AccurateACRs support buyers and the procurement community to understand the extent of your product or service's compliance with the established accessibility standards. Besides helping buyers and the procurement community understand the accessibility features associated with your product or service, VPAT testing delivers direct benefits to your company. These include the following:
- Providing key insights to help you improve your product or service.
During the VPAT testing process, your company can gain invaluable insights. With expert VPAT compliance testing services, you’ll be able to detect the aspects of your products or services that need to be improved to make them more accessible to all users.
VPAT testing can, therefore, support your company's ongoing efforts to advance the quality of its products and services. This, in turn, benefits the company's earnings and revenue.
- Helping your buyers make informed decisions.
When you invest in quality VPAT testing, you help your customers, mainly those in the public sector, better comprehend the accessibility features of your products or services.
Quality VPAT testing begets quality product and service accessibility data, which, when appropriately filled out in the ACR of the relevant product or service, hastens buyers’ ability to make informed purchase decisions.
High-quality VPAT ACRs, which are generated using data and information obtained through expert-driven VPAT tests, are highly valued by many prospective buyers of ICT products and services because they enable them to make quick accessibility comparisons between similar products or services.
Expert VPAT compliance testing will systematically guide the assessment of your product or service by responding to the questions in the relevant VPAT template in a clear and concise manner.
ACRs generated using quality VPAT testing data significantly help customers determine whether or not your products or services are the best fit for their needs. They, therefore, demonstrate your company’s customer focus.
VPAT testing also enables your company to contribute toward leveling the playing field in the ICT sector for all businesses. This is because the testing, especially that which involves expert VPAT compliance testing professionals like ADACP, helps to raise the accessibility bar for products and services and helps consumers access good-quality products and services that are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
- Enhanced prospects for winning bids
VPAT testing increases your company’s chances of winning bids to supply ICT products and services to various public sector entities, like federal organizations.
Every company seeks to broaden its chances of winning procurement bids and closing contracts to supply their products and services. Companies that espouse expert VPAT compliance testing always have an upper hand in procurement processes because, during the VPAT testing for their products and services, the experts who help them in the assessment help them with strategies to use in eliminating the identified accessibility obstacles. Investing in VPAT testing will uniquely position your company for business with most large corporations and government agencies.
VPAT testing also distinguishes your company from its competitors that might not be performing VPAT assessments. While it may require additional resources, including time, on the part of your company, it will help your buyers quickly comprehend the accessibility characteristics of your product or service. This benefits you because it removes potential delays or barriers in the procurement procedures necessary to purchase your products or services.
- Elevated company credibility and reputation
More and more customers want to do business with companies that are dependable and trustworthy. When you dedicate VPAT testing to your products and services and hire expert VPAT compliance testing agencies, your company's credibility and reputation in the procurement arena will improve.This will result in more business opportunities for your company in the long run.
- Conformance with the law
Your company will do well when it doesn't use up its valuable time in court fighting off accessibility lawsuits. Quality VPAT testing and completion of the VPAT ACR will ward off the numerous people and organizations that are busy investigating the accessibility of ICT products and services for purposes of instituting legal action against companies that do not adhere to the specified accessibility requirements.
When your company normalizes carrying out credible VPAT tests that provide you the data to use in creating good ACRs, you can stay free from the unnecessary accessibility lawsuits and the large fines that are associated with them.
- Customized compliance services
VPAT testing assists your company in identifying aspects of its operations that require specialized assistance geared toward improving the accessibility of its products and services. It enables your company to isolate the issues you want an accessibility expert to help you deal with, rather than having the expert go through a whole flaw discovery process before prescribing remedies to deal with the identified obstacles to accessibility.
VPAT testing will, therefore, save your business the valuable time and resources it could have otherwise spent if it was not done to flag out the accessibility challenges underlying your products or services.
Go for expert VPAT compliance testing
The accessibility regulations in various business domains are rapidly evolving and becoming tighter. You may not have the time to keep track of the developments because you have to concentrate on your company’s core business and ensure that you stay afloat in this ever-competitive business world.
As you focus on your core business, you can leave the issues about the VPAT compliance of your products or services to an expert in the accessibility domain. Choosing ADACP as the source of your expert VPAT compliance testing agency will not only benefit your company with the agency’s extensive and objective VPAT testing services, but also help you to develop accurate and ready-to-submit VPAT ACRs that easily navigate your clients' expectations.
For all your VPAT testing needs, shoot us a convenient time at (626) 486-2201 or by filling out a simple contact form, and we’ll get a consult on the books to assist you throughout the VPAT certification process. We’ll provide you with free consultations!

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