The Beginners Guide to WCAG: Making the Web Accessible for Everyone
Accessibility is a Fundamental and LegalRequirement
The world hasaggressively shifted from brick and mortar commerce and interactions to virtualas our reliance on computers and mobile devices has increased. This paradigm shift is making accessibilityof digital products and services not just an added bonus, but a fundamentalrequirement for all businesses with an on-line presence. The Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) serve as the globally acknowledged foundationfor creating digital products and services, such as websites, which everyone,including people with disabilities, can access. Therefore, regardless of yourbusiness within the digital space, understanding and implementing WCAG willenable you to create digital products, services, and experiences that areinclusive. This article will help you understand what WCAG is, its importance,and how to implement it properly into your digital products.
What is WCAG?
WCAG is an acronym forWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines. WCAG guidelines, also commonly referredto as WCAG Standards, were developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) toprovide a shared standard for web accessibility. WCAG guidelines were thereforedeveloped, and are continuously updated, to ensure that people withdisabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the web.Consequently, WCAG accessibility embraces a wide range of disabilities,including visual, physical, cognitive, auditory, speech, learning, language,and even neurological disabilities.
The Four Principles Behind WCAG Accessibility
The WCAG meaning couldbe unbundled into four fundamental principles that help to ensure web contentis accessible to everyone. These are, Perceivable, Operable, Understandable,and Robust (POUR).
The “Perceivable” principle relates to the information providedon the web as well as any user interface components presented to users in waysthat can be perceived within the users’ circumstances or environment. Thismeans that such information and user interface components should be madeavailable in multiple formats like audio, visual, and text.
The “Operable” principle relates to web user interfacecomponents as well as navigation to functions being operable for all users.This means that all the functionaries should be accessible through variousinput methods, including keyboard-only navigation.
The “Understandable” principle relates to both the information orcontent provided on the web as well as the user interface being clear andsimple, and with predictable behavior that all users can rely on.
The “Robust” principle emphasizes the importance of using clean and validcodes so that the content provided on the web robustly works with reliabilityacross a variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.
Why WCAG Compliance Matters
The Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide a framework for making websitesaccessible to individuals with disabilities, ensuring compliance with theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, websites are consideredplaces of public accommodation, and failing to meet accessibility standards canlead to lawsuits, which have become increasingly common in recent years. Theselawsuits often target businesses whose websites are not perceivable, operable,understandable, or robust for users with disabilities, such as those withvisual or hearing impairments.
Adhering to WCAGguidelines, such as providing text alternatives for images, keyboardnavigation, and clear labeling, is essential to mitigate legal risks anddemonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. Compliance not only protectsbusinesses from costly litigation but also broadens their reach to a diverseaudience. Nonetheless, to effectively position the WCAG meaning within thedigital space, it is important to first appreciate that accessibility is morethan just a legal requirement and that it is a moral responsibility as well.Some of the compelling reasons why you should make WCAG compliance a priorityinclude the following:
1. Broadening your website’s audience and reach
When you make yourwebsite accessible, it makes the website cater to a large audience, includingpeople with disabilities. Catering for a larger audience not only enhances theuser experience of your website, but also boosts the reputation of your brand.
2. Enhancing your website’s SEO benefits
SEO best practicesalign with accessibility practices. A good example is using alternative (alt)text for images, which significantly improves search engine rankings for yourwebsite.
3. Social responsibility
When you proactivelypromote accessibility and inclusivity, it reflects positively on your brand.WCAG accessibility helps you in enhancing the accessibility of your brand anddemonstrating your commitment to creating a world where everyone has equalaccess to information and digital services.
4. Legal compliance
Many jurisdictions nowhave laws requiring websites to comply with WCAG guidelines. Complying withthese legal requirements helps your business or brand not encounter financialand reputational losses arising from lawsuits or penalties due tonon-compliance.
How to Get Started with WCAG Today
Get the benefits andminimize your ADA lawsuit exposure by getting your website WCAG compliant. Hereare the steps to successfully start your WCAG journey:
1. Study the WCAG guidelines
While the full WCAGguidelines may appear an uphill task in the beginning, it will help starting toreview the latest version, which is currently WCAG 2.2. It is available at theW3C website. When reviewing the guidelines, let your focus be on the keyguidelines as well as the success criteria that are relevant to your brand oroperations. You can also do a quick automated WCAG test to assess your websiteor digital product or service for accessibility issues. You can use the ADACP WCAG Accessibility Checker to automate parts of this process for quickerresults and action.
2. Conduct a Manual WCAG accessibility audit
Conducting a manualWCAG accessibility audit is a crucial step in any business’s journey towardtrue digital accessibility. Whileautomated tools are often used for initial checks, they are only 30% accurate,frequently missing critical issues and flagging false positives. Without athorough manual audit, businesses cannot achieve the accuracy needed to ensuretheir websites or applications are fully compliant with accessibilitystandards. This inaccuracy leaves businesses at significant risk ofnoncompliance, exposing them to costly ADA lawsuits and reputational damage.
A manual accessibilityaudit, conducted by skilled experts like ADACP, identifies nuanced barriers that automated tools cannotdetect, providing the clarity and precision necessary to address accessibilityissues comprehensively. Neglecting this crucial step means businesses not onlyfail to serve all users effectively, but also remain vulnerable to legal andfinancial losses.
3. Implement the changes
The goal of your WCAGmanual testing should be to identify the areas requiring improvement to makeyour website, product, or service accessible to everyone. Once you haveidentified the issues with accessibility concerns, you should prioritize fixingthem based on their severity and impact. Our WCAG accessibility professionalsat ADACP can help you through this crucial process.
Some of the practicaltips for implementing changes towards the accessibility of your website ordigital product/service include using appropriate HTML tags to providestructure and meaning to your content; providing text alternatives; ensuringkeyboard navigation; and making sure that your text contrasts favorably againstits background for readability by everyone.
4. Educate your team on accessibility
It is importantto keep in mind that accessibility is a collective responsibility. It istherefore helpful to educate your entire team on the WCAG standards and bestpractices. A fun way of doing this would be by hosting workshops or providingresources that help the team understand their roles in enhancing theaccessibility of your website or other digital products or services. Your devteam particularly needs to understand WCAG Standards for existing content aswell as future content creation.
5. Monitor, support, supervise, and improve
Always keep it in mindthat accessibility is not a one-off project, rather, it requires consistent andongoing effort. It is therefore important that you regularly test your websiteor digital products or services for accessibility and stay updated on the changesin the WCAG standards as well as advancements in assistive technologies.
Ready to Start with WCAG? We’re Here to Help
At ADACP, we fullyunderstand how creating an accessible experience of a website or other digitalproduct or service is crucial for fostering inclusivity and ensuring thateveryone has equal access to digital information and services. We know that ifyou familiarize yourself with WCAG guidelines and devout yourself toimplementing WCAG accessibility best practices, you can help make the Internetand the overall digital space a more accessible place for all users, regardlessof their abilities.
As you embark on your journey towards greateraccessibility for your website or other digital products or services, embracethe fact that the journey is not just about compliance, rather, it is aboutcompassion, understanding, and ensuring that everyone can engage with thedigital world. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into the WCAG accessibility sea,and start making a difference for everyone. There is nothing ADACP likes morethan to partner with companies and organizations on building out a customizedaccessibility roadmap that meets the needs and capabilities in this fulfillingjourney. Talk to our WCAG compliance experts today on tel:+14242629002.
Accessibility is a Fundamental and LegalRequirement
The world hasaggressively shifted from brick and mortar commerce and interactions to virtualas our reliance on computers and mobile devices has increased. This paradigm shift is making accessibilityof digital products and services not just an added bonus, but a fundamentalrequirement for all businesses with an on-line presence. The Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) serve as the globally acknowledged foundationfor creating digital products and services, such as websites, which everyone,including people with disabilities, can access. Therefore, regardless of yourbusiness within the digital space, understanding and implementing WCAG willenable you to create digital products, services, and experiences that areinclusive. This article will help you understand what WCAG is, its importance,and how to implement it properly into your digital products.
What is WCAG?
WCAG is an acronym forWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines. WCAG guidelines, also commonly referredto as WCAG Standards, were developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) toprovide a shared standard for web accessibility. WCAG guidelines were thereforedeveloped, and are continuously updated, to ensure that people withdisabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the web.Consequently, WCAG accessibility embraces a wide range of disabilities,including visual, physical, cognitive, auditory, speech, learning, language,and even neurological disabilities.
The Four Principles Behind WCAG Accessibility
The WCAG meaning couldbe unbundled into four fundamental principles that help to ensure web contentis accessible to everyone. These are, Perceivable, Operable, Understandable,and Robust (POUR).
The “Perceivable” principle relates to the information providedon the web as well as any user interface components presented to users in waysthat can be perceived within the users’ circumstances or environment. Thismeans that such information and user interface components should be madeavailable in multiple formats like audio, visual, and text.
The “Operable” principle relates to web user interfacecomponents as well as navigation to functions being operable for all users.This means that all the functionaries should be accessible through variousinput methods, including keyboard-only navigation.
The “Understandable” principle relates to both the information orcontent provided on the web as well as the user interface being clear andsimple, and with predictable behavior that all users can rely on.
The “Robust” principle emphasizes the importance of using clean and validcodes so that the content provided on the web robustly works with reliabilityacross a variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.
Why WCAG Compliance Matters
The Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide a framework for making websitesaccessible to individuals with disabilities, ensuring compliance with theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, websites are consideredplaces of public accommodation, and failing to meet accessibility standards canlead to lawsuits, which have become increasingly common in recent years. Theselawsuits often target businesses whose websites are not perceivable, operable,understandable, or robust for users with disabilities, such as those withvisual or hearing impairments.
Adhering to WCAGguidelines, such as providing text alternatives for images, keyboardnavigation, and clear labeling, is essential to mitigate legal risks anddemonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. Compliance not only protectsbusinesses from costly litigation but also broadens their reach to a diverseaudience. Nonetheless, to effectively position the WCAG meaning within thedigital space, it is important to first appreciate that accessibility is morethan just a legal requirement and that it is a moral responsibility as well.Some of the compelling reasons why you should make WCAG compliance a priorityinclude the following:
1. Broadening your website’s audience and reach
When you make yourwebsite accessible, it makes the website cater to a large audience, includingpeople with disabilities. Catering for a larger audience not only enhances theuser experience of your website, but also boosts the reputation of your brand.
2. Enhancing your website’s SEO benefits
SEO best practicesalign with accessibility practices. A good example is using alternative (alt)text for images, which significantly improves search engine rankings for yourwebsite.
3. Social responsibility
When you proactivelypromote accessibility and inclusivity, it reflects positively on your brand.WCAG accessibility helps you in enhancing the accessibility of your brand anddemonstrating your commitment to creating a world where everyone has equalaccess to information and digital services.
4. Legal compliance
Many jurisdictions nowhave laws requiring websites to comply with WCAG guidelines. Complying withthese legal requirements helps your business or brand not encounter financialand reputational losses arising from lawsuits or penalties due tonon-compliance.
How to Get Started with WCAG Today
Get the benefits andminimize your ADA lawsuit exposure by getting your website WCAG compliant. Hereare the steps to successfully start your WCAG journey:
1. Study the WCAG guidelines
While the full WCAGguidelines may appear an uphill task in the beginning, it will help starting toreview the latest version, which is currently WCAG 2.2. It is available at theW3C website. When reviewing the guidelines, let your focus be on the keyguidelines as well as the success criteria that are relevant to your brand oroperations. You can also do a quick automated WCAG test to assess your websiteor digital product or service for accessibility issues. You can use the ADACP WCAG Accessibility Checker to automate parts of this process for quickerresults and action.
2. Conduct a Manual WCAG accessibility audit
Conducting a manualWCAG accessibility audit is a crucial step in any business’s journey towardtrue digital accessibility. Whileautomated tools are often used for initial checks, they are only 30% accurate,frequently missing critical issues and flagging false positives. Without athorough manual audit, businesses cannot achieve the accuracy needed to ensuretheir websites or applications are fully compliant with accessibilitystandards. This inaccuracy leaves businesses at significant risk ofnoncompliance, exposing them to costly ADA lawsuits and reputational damage.
A manual accessibilityaudit, conducted by skilled experts like ADACP, identifies nuanced barriers that automated tools cannotdetect, providing the clarity and precision necessary to address accessibilityissues comprehensively. Neglecting this crucial step means businesses not onlyfail to serve all users effectively, but also remain vulnerable to legal andfinancial losses.
3. Implement the changes
The goal of your WCAGmanual testing should be to identify the areas requiring improvement to makeyour website, product, or service accessible to everyone. Once you haveidentified the issues with accessibility concerns, you should prioritize fixingthem based on their severity and impact. Our WCAG accessibility professionalsat ADACP can help you through this crucial process.
Some of the practicaltips for implementing changes towards the accessibility of your website ordigital product/service include using appropriate HTML tags to providestructure and meaning to your content; providing text alternatives; ensuringkeyboard navigation; and making sure that your text contrasts favorably againstits background for readability by everyone.
4. Educate your team on accessibility
It is importantto keep in mind that accessibility is a collective responsibility. It istherefore helpful to educate your entire team on the WCAG standards and bestpractices. A fun way of doing this would be by hosting workshops or providingresources that help the team understand their roles in enhancing theaccessibility of your website or other digital products or services. Your devteam particularly needs to understand WCAG Standards for existing content aswell as future content creation.
5. Monitor, support, supervise, and improve
Always keep it in mindthat accessibility is not a one-off project, rather, it requires consistent andongoing effort. It is therefore important that you regularly test your websiteor digital products or services for accessibility and stay updated on the changesin the WCAG standards as well as advancements in assistive technologies.
Ready to Start with WCAG? We’re Here to Help
At ADACP, we fullyunderstand how creating an accessible experience of a website or other digitalproduct or service is crucial for fostering inclusivity and ensuring thateveryone has equal access to digital information and services. We know that ifyou familiarize yourself with WCAG guidelines and devout yourself toimplementing WCAG accessibility best practices, you can help make the Internetand the overall digital space a more accessible place for all users, regardlessof their abilities.
As you embark on your journey towards greateraccessibility for your website or other digital products or services, embracethe fact that the journey is not just about compliance, rather, it is aboutcompassion, understanding, and ensuring that everyone can engage with thedigital world. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into the WCAG accessibility sea,and start making a difference for everyone. There is nothing ADACP likes morethan to partner with companies and organizations on building out a customizedaccessibility roadmap that meets the needs and capabilities in this fulfillingjourney. Talk to our WCAG compliance experts today on tel:+14242629002.
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